What is the best possible way of preventing menstrual cramps and dealing with infertility?

It is rare to find any woman undergoing menstruation without experiencing pain in the abdomen, lower back, and thighs. Menstrual pain or cramps may vary from mild to severe. As a solution for the unbearable pain interfering with daily work or study schedule, there is no dearth of period pain relief tablets in India. You can get such tablets from any meds store online or offline and experience both:

  1. Benefits like short-term relief from pain, calming your mind, and boosting sound sleep.
  2. Side effects may like nausea, stomach ulcer, acidity, and diarrhea.

It becomes very necessary to understand the causes leading to menstrual cramps or irregularity in the menstrual cycle followed by hair fall and growth of facial hair and hair growth in other parts of the body that many women experience and suffer from depression and stress.

These problems need to be taken seriously otherwise one can face complications during childbirth or miscarriage and simply a state of childlessness. No woman would be happy to accept the state of infertility and may undergo mood swings or psychological challenges.

It would be better to be in touch with any gynecologist to understand the causes of menstrual cramps or infertility conditions.

Causes of menstrual cramps and infertility 

  1. Ovulation disorders.
  2. Contraction of uterine muscles, blockage of fallopian tubes  
  3. Rise in androgen or male hormones
  4. Other factors contributing to menstrual cramps or infertility are increasing age, obesity, unhealthy lifestyle habits like smoking, drinking, and too much stress.

Is overcoming menstrual cramps or infertility possible?

1. Modern fertility treatment and its limitations

It has been already stated how over-the-counter painkillers may pose different health risks for any woman in overcoming menstrual pain.

 It is also true that medical science has made amazing progress in stimulating ovulation and fertility with the help of intrauterine insemination, IVF, and supporting reproductive technologies.

If the earlier the diagnosis is done then it will be easier to get relieved from infertility symptoms like:

  1. PCOD or the development of cysts in the ovary
  2. Abnormal bleeding
  3. Scanty periods 
  4. Menstrual cramps

 But many people would not be able to go with the expensive reproductive technologies and may suffer from other health complications.

2) Ayurvedic medicine for irregular periods and its end results

For several ages, women have been using certain herbs for altering menstrual problems and infertility issues with natural herbs and techniques.

  1. Mugaut: It has been in use since the ancient periods by women to get relief from menstrual cramps, clears the fallopian tubes from any blockage, and maintain regulation in the menstrual cycle.  It is available in capsule form or its leaves can be used for making rejuvenating and revitalizing tea for women. It can be used for applying as a fertility massage.
  2. Lodhra: This herb will bring relief from menstrual pain, reverse the fallopian blockage, and regulate the menstrual cycle and ovulation.
  3. Shatavari: It is known for balancing hormones and regulating the periods of women.
  4. Ashoka: it will act on the uterine and abdominal muscles and reduce contractions during the menstrual cycle and bring relief from pain and smoothen the flow of blood. It will help in regulating ovulation.

Nari Jeevan Jyoti is the ayurvedic medicine for menstrual pain with:

  1. Unique ayurvedic composition whose major ingredients are Shatavari, Ashoka, Lodha, and 12 more herbs.
  2. Bringing relief from pain and irregular bleeding
  3. Regulating ovarian cysts.
  4. Maintaining hormonal balance.
  5. Safe and not causing any side effects contrary to any modern fertility medicine or treatment.

You can also have vitamin C-enriched drinks that help with menstrual cramps. Combined with ginger, lemon water can contribute to the nourishment of the uterus and bring relief from pain in the abdomen and back during menstruation.

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Menstruation or period is the monthly discharge of blood and mucosal tissue from the inner lining of the uterus through the vagina.

What is period pain?

Dysmenorrhea or menstrual cramps is the sensation of cramping pains in the lower abdomen. Menstrual cramps are common in the weeks leading up to and during menstruation.

Menstrual cramps are often accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • Nausea
  • Lower back pain
  • Headaches
  • Nausea
  • Diarrhea
  • Dizziness

Do all women experience period cramps at the same intensity?

The crisp and simple answer to this question is no. Period pain intensity varies from woman to woman. They can range from mild to severe. Ten out of 100 women experience severe pain on one to three days every month, making it difficult for them to carry out their daily activities.

Menstruation is still stigmatized in countries like India. Whether it’s your family, friends, or colleagues they still feel uncomfortable discussing periods, let alone talking about menstrual cramps women experience every month. There are a few doctors who don’t take period pain seriously and just prescribe over-the-counter period pain relief tablets to alleviate the pain. Period pain is as severe as joint and muscle pain or body pain. However, the problems with these period pain relief tablets or painkillers are that they are not 100% safe for regular or excessive use.

Pain relief with the healing touch of Ayurveda

Does this mean all women should adhere to traditional thinking? Some women think it’s just part of being a woman to suffer pain. Nonetheless, severe pain that hinders your daily life several times a month, at times preventing you from working, should not be ignored just because it is a natural process.

India has been home to Ayurveda for centuries now. For thousands of years, our ancestors have used natural herbs as Ayurvedic herbal medicine to treat various issues related to the menstrual cycle- period pain, irregular cycles, etc.

Ayurvedic herbs that ease period pain:

  • Asafoetida: Asafoetida also known as Hing, has anti-inflammatory properties that can ease period pain. Furthermore, it promotes progesterone secretion, which affects blood flow and reduces menstrual cramps.
  • Sesame oil: Sesame oil has a high linoleic acid content, due to which it has many antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties, which can help reduce period pain.
  • Cumin Seeds: Cumin Seeds contain antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory properties that help in reducing period pain and in turn soothe and relax your body.
  • Ginger: Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties. It contains an enzyme called zingibain, which helps in inhibiting the production of a pro-inflammatory chemical called prostaglandins and as a result protects the body from inflammation.

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